Star Trek (Season 2)

star trek movie
Penerima empat nominasi Emmy, termasuk Outstanding Drama Series dalam dua kesempatan di jangka pendek tiga-tahun, Star Trek adalah sebuah legenda fiksi ilmiah di kalangan pemirsa televisi. Penciptaan mantan polisi Los Angeles Gene Roddenberry, seri pertama ditayangkan pada musim gugur 1966, namun dibatalkan karena peringkat rendah. Ini mungkin telah eksekutif NBC yang benar-benar bertanggung jawab atas peringkat rendah mengingat bagaimana mereka ditempatkan menunjukkan dalam slot waktu yang mengerikan. Namun demikian, ketika menjadi sindikasi Star Trek, yang memegang tayangan ulang dari generasi yang sama sekali baru, menembak franchise Star Trek ke tertinggi baru. Itu hanya awal dekade spin-off produk, termasuk komik, novel, enam film, dan ton barang dagangan penggemar berteriak-teriak untuk semuanya Star Trek yang berhubungan.

Star Trek (Season 2) DVD fitur sejumlah tindakan-dikemas episode termasuk musim premier "Amok Time" di mana Spock mulai menunjukkan karakteristik yang aneh dan tidak rasional. Bersangkutan, Kirk perintah pemeriksaan medis lengkap dan belajar bahwa Spock mengalami pola kawin insting Vulcan dan harus kembali ke planet rumahnya segera dalam rangka untuk menghindari kematian. Ketika mereka tiba, pasangan yang dipilih Spock tantangan pasangan, memicu duel antara Spock dan pria pilihannya. Kirk dipilih, dan ia dan Spock dipaksa untuk bertempur sampai mati.

Episode terkenal lainnya dari Season 2 termasuk "Metamorfosis" di mana Enterprise bertemu dengan sebuah kekuatan misterius yang dikenal sebagai The Companion yang jatuh cinta dengan manusia, dan "Pola Angkatan "di mana awak Enterprise kunjungan sebuah planet yang menyerupai masyarakat 20th Century Nazi Jerman.

Berikut adalah daftar episode disertakan pada Star Trek (Season 2) DVD:
Episode 30 (Amok Time) Air Date: 09-15-1967
Episode 31 (Who Mourns for Adonais?) Air Date: 09-22-1967
Episode 32 (The Changeling) Air Date: 09-29-1967
Episode 33 (Mirror, Mirror) Air Date: 10-06-1967
Episode 34 (The Apple) Air Date: 10-13-1967
Episode 35 (The Doomsday Machine) Air Date: 10-20-1967
Episode 36 (Catspaw) Air Date: 10-27-1967 Episode 37 (I, Mudd) Air Date: 11-03-1967
Episode 38 (Metamorphosis) Air Date: 11-10-1967
Episode 39 (Journey to Babel) Air Date: 11-17-1967
Episode 40 (Friday's Child) Air Date: 12-01-1967
Episode 41 (The Deadly Years) Air Date: 12-08-1967
Episode 42 (Obsession) Air Date: 12-15-1967
Episode 43 (Wolf in the Fold) Air Date: 12-22-1967
Episode 44 (The Trouble with Tribbles) Air Date: 12-29-1967
Episode 45 (The Gamesters of Triskelion) Air Date: 01-05-1968
Episode 46 (A Piece of the Action) Air Date: 01-12-1968
Episode 47 (The Immunity Syndrome) Air Date: 01-19-1968
Episode 48 (A Private Little War) Air Date: 02-02-1968
Episode 49 (Return to Tomorrow) Air Date: 02-09-1968
Episode 50 (Patterns of Force) Air Date: 02-16-1968
Episode 51 (By Any Other Name) Air Date: 02-23-1968
Episode 52 (The Omega Glory) Air Date: 03-01-1968
Episode 53 (The Ultimate Computer) Air Date: 03-08-1968
Episode 54 (Bread and Circuses) Air Date: 03-15-1968
Episode 55 (Assignment: Earth) Air Date: 03-29-1968
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Southland Tales Movie

Southland Tales

As in Tales from Southern California, but a different California, where Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is an action star turned prophet, Justin Timberlake is a veteran of Iraq, Sean-William Scott is actually a pair of twins, and Sarah Michelle-Gellar is a porn star named Krysta Now. "No-one rocks the cock like Krysta Now." Or so we're told. You never actually see her rocking the cock, and she is more than welcome.

But the film doesn't try and pander to the type of audience who want to see a flash of tits. Actually, it doesn't pander to anyone. It is by far and away the most experimental film to come out of Hollywood recently, if you discount David Lynch.

First of all, the film version of Southland Tales is actually chapters four, five and six. Hey if Star Wars did it… The first three chapters are found in the Southland Tales graphic novel, which actually makes more sense in itself and of the film as a whole, explaining the various theories behind the film, whereas the film itself drops the audience in the middle of a world that is far removed from the one we live in.

There is wi-fi energy known as Fluid Karma, a screenplay written while under the influence of drugs that foretells the End Of Days, and some freaky time travelling. So, everything you would expect from the brains behind Donnie Darko.

The film is a mess, but an interesting one. Part of the disconnected plot is concerned with the enigma that is the Book Of Revelations found in the Bible, and you could view this as its modern cinematic counterpart. Some view Revelations as a puzzle to be solved, containing a code to be dissected. Richard Kelly's film is trying to push this, using the graphic novel and the film's website to further the story and the puzzling plotlines within, quite literally forcing the audience to actively seek it out, or, as most people did, walk out of the cinema.

While this cross-media, story/puzzle thing is a bold move, the film should stand on its own legs, which, sadly, it does not. It's weird and wonderful, annoying and infuriating, littered with great performances and godawful ones. It will no doubt follow Darko in becoming a cult film, especially on DVD.
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Kumpulan Social Network Dofollow | Top 50

Social Network dofollow memungkinkan kamu untuk membuat profil di jaringan mereka yang memuat link dofollow kembali ke website kamu. Berikut adalah beberapa tempat yang bagus untuk membuat profil. Meskipun link kamu mungkin tidak akan muncul di homepage, jaringan yang diselenggarakan oleh PageRank untuk menunjukkan popularitas mereka. Profil (link) pada jaringan ini dapat dilihat oleh siapa saja, tidak hanya orang-orang di jaringan tersebut.

Daftar Social Network Dofollow

Pagerank 9

Pagerank 8

Pagerank 7

Pagerank 6

Pagerank 5

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Pagerank 3

Pagerank 2

Pagerank 0-1

Itulah beberapa Website Social Network yang dofollow, tapi saya sendiri masih ragu apakah benar2 dofollow atau malah nofollow. Kalo menurut saya, tidak perlu berpikir akan hal itu. Anggap saja kalo kita sedang melakukan blog walking. kita submit 1/1.
Nah sekian dulu postingnya ya...
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Penyedia Layanan Email Gratis Terbaik | Top 20

Masih pengin layanan yang gratisan, disini ada berupa Email gratis. Kali ini saya akan sedikit me-review tentang Layanan Email gratis terbaik. Hal ini bisa sedikit memberi gambaran untuk kita untuk menentukan pilihan pembuatan Email gratis tersebut. Silahkan baca review masing-masing Layanan Email gratis ini yang saya rangkum dalam Kumpulan 20 Layanan Email Gratis.

1. Gmail (Google Mail)

Fitur yang dimiliki Gmail antaralain:
¤ Menjauhkan pesan yang tak diinginkan dari kotak masuk ke kotak Spam kamu dengan teknologi inovatif Google.
¤ Dapat di akses melalui ponsel kamu dengan mengarahkan browser web ponsel ke aplikasi
¤ Penyimpanan gratis 7651 MB yang cukup besar sehingga kamu tidak akan pernah perlu menghapus pesan lain.
¤ Ubahsuaikan tampilan tema yang telah di sediakan oleh tim Gmail.

2. AIM Mail - AOL Mail

Fitur AOL-AIM Mail antara lain:
¤ 2GB penyimpanan (storage tidak terbatas bagi anggota AOL).
¤ Industri terkemuka anti-spam dan perlindungan virus.
¤ Dapat di akses melalui ponsel kamu
¤ Tombol Unsend berguna untuk mengirim e-mail ke AOL, AIM atau account CompuServe

3. GMX Mail

Fitur yang dimiliki antara lain:
¤ Lebih daripada 5GB ruang penyimpanan email
¤ Anti Virus dan Perlindungan Spam untuk email kamu
¤ Web, IMAP, dan akses POP3 Email
¤ GMX Mail dapat mengambil mail dari account lain milik kamu


Fitur yang ditawarkan sebagai berikut:
¤ Lebih dari 250 Alamat Pilihan
¤ Spam dan Virus Protection
¤ Gratis Dukungan Pelanggan
¤ Solusi Anti-Spam
¤ Ruang penyimpanan tak terbatas

5. Yahoo! Mail

¤ Penyimpanan email tidak terbatas
¤ Improve Search
¤ 10 MB Lampiran
¤ Anti-Spam & Anti-Virus


Fiturnya antara lain:
¤ POP / SMTP Support
¤ Ketersediaan nama pengguna yang beragam
¤ Spell Checker
¤ Lampiran tak terbatas
¤ Spam & Virus Protection

7. FastMail Guest Account

Fitur yang ditawarkan:
¤ Webmail yang Cepat & kuat
¤ Membuka akses (POP / IMAP / LDAP)
¤ Perlindungan spam yang akurat
¤ Aman dan handal

8. MSN-Windows Live Hotmail

Fiturnya antara lain:
¤ 5GB Ruang Penyimpanan
¤ Hotmail Instant Messenger
¤ Berbagi Kalender
¤ Spam Filter Lanjutan


¤ Advanced Email Tracking
¤ Unlimited Storage
¤ Supports Video Emails
¤ Recallable/Erasable Email


¤ Photosharing Online Gratis
¤ Sampai 30GB Online Storage
¤ Kalender, Tugas & Catatan
¤ Akses SMTP/POP3

11. Lavabit

¤ 128MB of Email Storage and 32MB
¤ Attachment Limit
¤ Anti-virus Protection
¤ No Advertisement or Pop-Ups
¤ Multiple E-mail Addresses Per Account

12. Opera Mail

Fitur yang ditawarkan:
¤ Email Account Transfer
¤ 3MB of Mail Space
¤ Anti-spam Filters
¤ Label Email

13. Myspace Mail

Fitur yang ditawarkan:
¤ Unlimited Storage Space
¤ Email Exchange with anyone
¤ Elite Virus and Spam filters
¤ Google Gears Option

14. HotPOP

Fitur yang ditawarkan:
¤ POP Mail Access - Read your mail with your favorite program
¤ Large Mailboxes with up to 100 megabytes of space
¤ Ad-Free Options
¤ Mail Filtering

15. My Way Mail

Fitur yang ditawarkan:
¤ No Banner or Pop-Ups
¤ Rich Email Editor 125MB of Storage Space
¤ Internet Search Providers

16. Lycos Mail

Fitur yang ditawarkan:
¤ 5GB mail storage
¤ POP3/IMAP access
¤ Advanced spam filtering
¤ Virus checking
¤ Domain and address blocking
¤ No ads

17. GNU Mail

Fitur yang ditawarkan:
¤ 30-Day Free Trial
¤ Specialized Customer Support
¤ POP3, IMAP, SMTP, and Web Email Access
¤ Advertisement and Pop up Free

18. My Mail

Fitur yang ditawarkan:
¤ Photo Album & Calendar
¤ Spam/Virus Protection
¤ File Storage Space Included
¤ Up to 30GB of Storage
¤ Web 2.0 AJAX Interface

19. Zenbe Mail

Fitur yang ditawarkan:
¤ 10 GB of Online Mail Storage
¤ AntiSpam and AntiVirus
¤ Online Calendar, To-Do List and Address Book

20. DC Mail

Fitur yang ditawarkan:
¤ 100% Spam Free
¤ Webmail Access
¤ 25MB of Storage

Sebenarnya masih banyak Web penyedia layanan email gratisan, tapi waktu tak mendukung buat ku. Karena hari sudah larut malam, jadi ya hanya segitu yang ku dapet dari sumbernya.

Beberapa Layanan Email gratis yang tadi ga sempat saya sebuti 1/1, nih...bagi yang pengin tau lihat dibawah:
123-Email | AmpliMail | Bigfoot | Blue Bottle | BreakThru | Care2 | Doghouse Mail | Excite Mail | Go Network | Gurl Mail | Hush Mail| ICQ Mail | | | Join Me | Juno Mail | LPEmail | Mail2Web | Mail2World | Mailinator | MauiMail | MyTrashMail | My Way | MailExpire | MyRealBox | Net Address | Postmaster | ProntoMail | | RunBox | SoftHome | TmichaMail | UserMail | VFEmail

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Tutorial | Cara Sederhana Membuat Email Yahoo

Yahoo Mail merupakan layanan Email gratis dari Yahoo. Layaknya Google yang memiliki Gmail, Yahoo pun punya Ymail. Agak sedikit berbeda dari Gmail, namun ga sulit kok.

Hal yang sama dengan Gmail adalah alamat Email Yahoo juga bisa digunakan di beberapa produk Yahoo tanpa harus registrasi ulang. Tutorial ini di buat untuk temen-temen yang lagi nyari cara pembuatan email yahoo, untuk pembuatan email di Gmail bisa di tengok disini.

Untuk mempersingkat tulisan Langsung saja nih tutorialnya.

1. Masuk ke alamat

cara membuat email di yahoo

2. Pada tampilan utama Yahoo, cari tombol 'Sign Up' atau 'Create New Account'. Kedua tombol itu memiliki arti yang sama, biasanya tergantung pada browsers atau negara tempat kamu mendaftar.

cara membuat email di yahoo

3. Tampilan Formulir pendaftaran hampir sama dengan Gmail. Isi data formulir sesuai dengan benar. Lihat gambar di bawah ini.

cara membuat email di yahoo

¤ Name : isi nama kamu disini 'first name:nama depan' 'last name:nama belakang'
¤ Gender : isi dengan jenis kelamin kamu
¤ Birtgday : isi dengan tanggal lahir kamu 'bulan' 'tanggal' 'tahun'
¤ Country : isi dengan nama negara kamu
¤ Postal Code : isi kode pos tempat tinggal kamu

¤ Yahoo ID and Email : isi dengan kata-kata sesuka anda untuk ID Yahoo dan alamat Email Yahoo lalu cek ketersediaannya. (yahoo menggunakan underscore '_' untuk pemisah kata)
¤ Password : isi dengan kata kunci yang mudah diingat oleh kamu
¤ Re-Type Password : ketik ulang kata sandi sama dengan yang di atasnya

¤ Alternative Email : boleh di isi jika kamu mempunyai alamat email lain selain yahoo, boleh juga di kosongkan
¤ Secret Question 1 : pilih salah satu pertanyaan yang tersedia.
¤ Your Answer : jawaban dari pertanyaan pertama 'secret question 1'
¤ Secret Question 2 : pilih salah satu pertanyaan yang tersedia.
¤ Your Answer : jawaban dari pertanyaan kedua 'secret question 2'

¤ Type The Code Shown : masukan kode / gambar tulisan dibawahnya pada kotak yang di sediakan.
¤ Lalu klik tombol 'Creat My Account'

4. Apabila kamu sudah isi dengan lengkap data-data identitas kamu. Selanjutnya kamu akan menuju halaman berikutnya. Lihat gambar dibawah ini.

cara membuat email di yahoo

¤ Baca ulang data identitas kamu, bila sudah sesuai lalu klik tombol 'Continue'

5. Setelah itu kamu akan diarahkan ke dashboard email, seperti gambar di bawah ini.

cara membuat email di yahoo

Sekian dulu untuk tutorial tentang pembuatan email di yahoo. Mohon maaf pabila tutorial ini kurang jelas dan alakadarnya. Semoga bermanfaat buat temen-temen.
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Cara Membuat Alamat Email Gmail ( Google Mail )

Gmail ( Google Mail ) merupakan produk dari Google yang melayani Layanan Email. Akun ini berfungsi untuk akses ke seluruh layanan google, seperti Picasa, Google+, Maps, Latitude, iGoogle, Voice, Kalender, Documents, Bloknot, Tasks, dll. Semua layanan tersebut gratis dengan memiliki ruang penyimpanan yang lumayan. Untuk Gmail saja kita mendapatkan 7651 MB ruang penyimpanan. Alamat Gmail juga bisa untuk mendaftar di untuk pembuatan blog/weblog tanpa harus membuat akun kembali. Tutorial pembuatan blog/weblog bisa kamu lihat di cara sederhana membuat blog di

Tutorial dibawah ini adalah tutorial tentang pembuatan akun Gmail versi saya. Buat temen2 yang pengin mempunyai alamat Email, silahkan ikuti tutorial dibawah ini.

Langsung saja tanpa basa basi.

1. Masuk ke alamat web lalu klik tombol 'Create an Account'.

cara membuat email Gmail

2. Isi formulir dengan lengkap

cara membuat email Gmail
cara membuat email Gmail

¤ First Name : isi dengan nama depan kamu
¤ Last Name : isi dengan nama belakang kamu
¤ Desired Log In Name : isi nama log in sesuai keinginan kamu. Cek ketersediaannya.
[ Note : nama Log in merupakan nama Akun Google juga alamat Email kamu, jadi pilihlah sesuai dengan nama yang kamu inginkan. ]
¤ Choose a password : isi dengan password/kata kunci kamu untuk Log in nantinya.
¤ Re-Enter password : ketik ulang password/kata kunci sama persis dengan yang diatas.
[ Note : untuk Stay Signed In dan Enable Web History, tidak perlu di centang dulu bila komputer bukan milik pribadi. ]
¤ Location : pilih lokasi (Indonesia)
¤ Word Verification : isi dengan kata yang sama persis seperti pada gambar.
¤ Alangkah baiknya baca dulu Term Of Service -nya.
¤ Klik tombol ' I Accept Create My Account '.

3. Selanjutnya kamu menuju ke halaman verification.

cara membuat email Gmail

¤ Verification Options : pilih salah satu cara untuk pengiriman kode verifikasi dari google ( saran, pilih Text Message )
¤ Location : lokasi kamu (indonesia)
¤ Phone Number : isi dengan nomer ponsel kamu untuk menerima kode verifikasi.
[ contoh penulisan nomer ponsel +6287885xxxxxx ]
¤ Klik tombol 'Send Verification Code'

4. Setelah kamu menyelesaikan form diatas, Google akan mengirimkan Kode Verifikasi ke nomer ponsel yang kamu ketik pada formulir tadi (biasanya kurang dari 2mnt Sms sudah datang setelah kamu klik tombol 'Send Verification Code' ). Selanjutnya kamu akan menuju halaman Verifikasi Akun Google.

cara membuat email Gmail

¤ Verification Code : isi dengan kode verifikasi yang kamu terima lewat sms.
¤ Klik tombol 'Verify'

5. Selamat...kamu sudah memilki akun Google/Gmail. Gunakanlah dengan semestinya, agar Google tidak nge-Banned akun kita.

Sekian postingan saya kali ini, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi temen2 yang pengin alamat Email gratisan dari Google. Untuk cara pembuatan alamat Email dari Yahoo, kamu bisa lihat di tutorial pembuatan akun Yahoo.
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Tutorial Sederhana Membuat Blog di Blogger

Blogger Icon

Posting kali ini saya akan membuat panduan tentang cara membuat blog di Gampang kok ngga susah? Saya aja yang baru kenal ngeblog belum lama ini, sudah bisa bikin blog (meskipun blognya ngga terkenal sih...). Untuk pengertian blog itu sendiri mungkin kamu bisa cari di Search Engine-nya Om Google, Oh ya istilah lain dari blog adalah CMS ( Content Management Sistem ). Sedangkan orang yang mempunyai blog biasanya disebut blogger.

Untuk memulainya, kamu harus sudah memiliki alamat email untuk registrasi, bisa Yahoo atau Gmail. Kalo belum punya kamu bisa lihat tutoarial membuat email Yahoo disini dan Gmail (Google Mail) disini. Tapi saya sarankan pakai Gmail yang juga merupakan akun Google, karena satu akun bisa untuk produk Google lainnya.

Langsung saja, mari ikuti tutorial berikut ini:

1. Masukan alamat pada browsers kamu. ( lihat gambar dibawah )

cara membuat blog di blogger

2. Klik tombol orange yang bertuliskan Memulai, untuk masuk ke menu pendaftaran.

3. Lengkapi formulir pendaftaran pembuatan blog di ( lihat gambar di bawah ini ).

cara membuat blog di blogger

¤ Alamat email : masukan email kamu
¤ Ketik ulang alamat email : masukan lagi email yang sama seperti diatas
¤ Masukan sebuah Password : masukkan kata kunci (minimal 8 karakter, bisa huruf bisa angka)
¤ Ketikan ulang kata sandi : masukan lagi password sama dengan yang di atas
¤ Nama tampilan : isi nama kamu atau nama alias kamu (ini akan tampil di profil, artikel yang akan kamu buat)
¤ Verifikasi : masukkan gambar kata yang terdapat di atas kolom.
¤ Jika sudah diisi semua lalu klik Tombol panah orange (Lanjutkan)

4. Selanjutnya kamu akan menuju ke halaman formulir untuk melengkapi judul blog dan alamat blog kamu. ( lihat gambar di bawah ).

cara membuat blog di blogger

Lengkapi formulir judul dan alamat blog.
¤ Judul Blog : Isi sesuai keinginan kamu yang nantinya akan tampil sebagai judul atau title blog kamu.
¤ Alamat blog (URL) : isi sesuai keinginan kamu yang nantinya akan menjadi alamat URL/Link blog kamu.

Note: Cek ketersediaan alamat URL, jika alamat blog menggunakan 2 kata atau lebih gunakan tanda ( – ). karena blogspot tidak bisa menggunakan spasi.

5. Selanjutnya lihat gambar dibawah ini yang merupakan halaman untuk memilih template blog kamu. Pilh salah satu sesuai keinginan. Setelah itu klik Lanjutkan.

cara membuat blog di blogger

6. Selamat Blog anda sudah jadi. Anda sudah bisa memulai menulis artikel sekarang.

cara membuat blog di blogger

Tutorial sederhana ini hanya untuk mereka yang masih newbie seperti saya yang pengin membuat blog. Semoga bermanfaat postingan saya kali ini. Kritik dan saran saya tunggu di kotak comment.

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Daftar RSS Directory Dofollow gratis

rss picture images

Kamu pengin blog/web kamu terkenal. Mungkin bagi yang udah jago SEO, bikin blog/web cepat terkenal itu dalam hitungan hari, atau bahkan jam. Tapi bagi saya yang masih newbie alias katrok bikin blog/web cepat terkenal ya..hanyalah mimpi.

Banyak cara agar blog kita bisa terkenal, punya pagerank, punya visitor buaaanyyaaak.... Salah satunya kita bisa submit RSS feed blog kita di beberapa web RSS Directory, ada yang gratis, juga ada yang bayar.

Nih...saya punya beberapa daftar RSS Direktori DoFollow gratis yang saya pakai untuk blog gratisan dari yang bisa kamu submit untuk memperkuat backlink ke blog kamu. Selamat mencoba...


Itu lah yang sekiranya saya bisa kumpulkan dari aktifitas blogging saya, mungkin masih banyak yang belum saya temukan, mohon bantuannya ya untuk share posting ini. Bila ada yang lain tentang RSS directory dofollow. Kasih tau dong via comment...

Kata kunci artikel:

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Web Hosting Gratis dengan PHP, MySQL dan cPanel.

Web hosting

Pengin Web Hosting gratisan...?? Sudah g asing lagi untuk nama dan sudah ngga bisa di pungkiri lagi kalo yang namanya gratisan sudah pasti banyak di cari. Namun ya..namanya juga gratisan pastinya untuk fitur yang diberikan juga ngga sebanyak yang berbayar.

Cocok untuk pemula yang lagi pengin bikin web gratis. Untuk nama domain kamu bisa coba domain gratis dari yang ber-extensi, dll.

Beberapa fitur untuk member gratis di antaralain:
¤ Disk Space 1500 MB
¤ Data Transfer 100 GB / month
¤ Add-on Domains 5
¤ Sub-domains 5
¤ E-mail Addresses 5
¤ Email Accounts 5
¤ Web Mail
¤ MySQL Databases 2
¤ Control Panel ( Custom Panel )
¤ Simple Site Builder
¤ Backups
¤ Automated Weekly Backups ( Limited )
¤ Uptime 99%
¤ Cron Jobs
¤ IMAP Support
¤ Autoinstaller 10 Scripts
¤ Custom Error Pages
¤ Password Protect Directories

Dari berbagai fitur yang diberikan boleh dibilang lumayan lah untuk sekedar bikin Web gratisan.

Untuk masalah domain, kamu dapat meng-host domain kamu sendiri atau memilih subdomain gratis. 000webhost mendukung nama domain seperti atau jika kamu tidak memiliki domain sendiri, kamu dapat memilih subdomain gratis yang telah disediakan. 000webhost juga mendukung semua domain internasional.

Fitur untuk Hosting Domain
¤ Host domain Kamu sendiri
¤ Gratis subdomain
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Cara Setting domain di

Sahabat blogger. Kali ini saya akan share tentang setting DNS pada domain gratisan yang disedikan oleh Caranya gampang2 susah, tp buat yang dah ahli, pasti ga bakal sulit kok.

Langsung saja, Log in dulu ya sob...

Setelah masuk, silahkan klik tombol Domain seperti gambar dibawah ini.

Klik tombol 'DNS Management' lihat gambar dibawah.

Klik tombol 'Select setting' Tampilan berikutnya.

Point penting.
''Point your domain name to any static IP address or hostname, manage your hostnames, aliases, mail records (including SPF with an easy-to-use web interface. The DNS management provides you with a simple, reliable way to organize your domain.''


''Menunjukkan nama domain Anda ke alamat IP statis atau nama host, mengatur nama host anda, alias, catatan-mail (termasuk SPF dengan antarmuka web yang mudah digunakan. Pengelolaan DNS menyediakan Anda dengan cara sederhana yang dapat diandalkan untuk mengatur domain Anda.''

Silahkan masukan DNS Record / Ip Address pada kolom yang tersedia. Lihat gambar di bawah ini.

Jangan lupa klik tombol 'Submit' ya.

Bagi yang belum memiliki akun di, sillahkan baca tutorial tentang Cara Daftar Domain Gratis dari

Semoga bermanfaat tutorial yang ala kadarnya ini. Untuk gambar saya capture dari opera mini, jd maaf kalo kurang jelas?
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Why They Go Hand in Hand

Studies on creative people have consistently demonstrated that creativity is associated with openness to new ideas, risk-taking, and being inner-directed. Do these traits put creative people at odds with the culture and people around them? The answer is sometimes yes and sometimes no.

Say for example that Jeremy is a creative child that performs below average in school. He may be seen as a poor student by teachers and parents for "daydreaming" and doing poorly on objective tests. His latent skills as a right- brain thinker might be underappreciated and underdeveloped.

Or consider the case of Alycia, a high school teacher who works in a constrictive environment. She is eager to try new teaching techniques but finds that her colleagues are traditional in their approach and even hostile to her ideas. What can she do?

There is little doubt that creative people will struggle in environments that are overly structured and they will feel frustrated with tasks that are not challenging. This helps explain why creative children often have trouble in school, their right-brain minds wandering while their left-brain teachers are trying to force them to memorize information that these creative children instinctively see as irrelevant or trivial to understanding the "big picture" in life.

Things often get worse for creative people when they enter the workforce. If they haven't chosen their occupation carefully they may wind up in a job that is not well suited for their particular talents and gifts. Unfortunately, they may find this out the hard way by being bored and frustrated at work.

But the job itself may not be the problem. It may also be the social milieu of the workplace. Every workplace has its own personality which organically evolves and changes over time. Some workplaces value new ideas and risk- taking, an environment that will be very stimulating for a creative, risk-taker. Other environments are rigid and traditional, which will be frustrating and could lead to conflict and dissatisfaction.

Social psychologists have noted that some work groups suffer from groupthink, which is the tendency for some groups to feel superior to others and to downplay any evidence to the contrary. These groups value conformity and resist new ideas. An innovator will feel isolated and rejected by co- workers who support this type of environment.

These co-workers often adopt an unspoken code regarding people who are different or stand out from the crowd. They send overt and covert messages of rejection to a creative co-worker who proposes new ideas. These signals include ignoring a person's comments or providing perfunctory, hollow praise or worse punishments such as threats and ridicule for proposing ideas that threaten the perceived integrity of the group.

Many people at work become comfortable with their daily routines and over time they defend these routines as something akin to being sacred. These kinds of people often bow to the timeworn expression: "If it ain't broken, don't fix it," but they over apply this attitude and to them nothing is ever really "broken" and to suggest otherwise is to threaten the comfort of their work routines. These people might respond in a venomous manner to creative and risk-taking co-workers who threaten their "comfort zone" by proposing new ways of doing things.

All of this suggests that creative people will often be at odds with people around them and frustrated by work environments and organizational structures that are rigid and unbending. This is partially due to the fact that creative people are attracted to novelty and new ideas and ways of doing things, and their creative minds are often generating alternatives to accepted practices.

The accumulated effects of these frustrations at school, work, or whatever the setting, may lead some creative people to adopt a rebellious attitude regarding rules and authority. When this happens the result may be frustration and conflict on all sides where a downward spiral results from interpersonal conflict and disagreement. This frustration may lead to a career change or disciplinary action in the workplace, an unfortunate byproduct of creative people not being successfully integrated into the workplace community.

These negative manifestations of rebellion can be avoided only when organizations and individuals are made aware of the interpersonal dynamics that distinguish different personality types from each other. One way to do so that is popular today is for co-workers to take the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory and to discuss the results with each other. While this test is not necessarily rigorous in terms of accepted
statistical measures of reliability or validity, it serves the greater purpose of opening the door to discussing interpersonal response styles and to respect each other for these differences.

Workplace diversity is typically defined in sociological terms by placing people in black-and-white categories, for example gender, race, and age. Meanwhile, other important personality and interpersonal differences, such as creativity, rarely get the same amount of attention. And yet the creativity dimension is one of the most important because creativity and risk-taking are crucial traits for organizational health and survival.

In order to avoid the traps of blind rebellion and open conflict, organizations must do a better job of identifying creative employees and in fact nurturing creativity and respect for creativity in all their employees. This is not to suggest that common group practices such as "brainstorming" are necessarily a good way to nurture creativity. Creative people are often different from other co-workers in several ways that include interpersonal differences, inner- directedness, and work habits. These differences in style as well as substance need to be addressed in an open and comfortable manner.

Creative people must also be taught to understand themselves and to appreciate that they have needs that can only be met in certain ways. They may prosper as artists, entrepreneurs, or in other professions that encourage openness, risk-taking, and eccentricity. This means that our educational system must be more responsive to the needs of creative children and must offer ways for creative children to learn that fits
their learning styles.

When schools and workplaces are better educated about creativity and are in a better position to integrate creative people into the community, then individuals and society will benefit. And youngsters like Jeremy will be more likely to reach their full potential and adults like Alycia will be able to enhance their work environment by contributing unique and challenging ideas.
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About Mind Power Games

Want a fun way to tune up your brain? Why not use some classic mind games to help you increase your brainpower and get you out of your thinking "ruts." Good mind games habituate you to using creative problem solving as a normal part of thinking about things.

One lateral thinking puzzle you can try right now involves nine dots, layed out three by three. You have to connect them all with four straight lines, and without lifting the pen or pencil from the paper. Figure this one out and you'll appreciate the expression "thinking outside of the box."

Mind Games For Groups

Some group mind games are especially good for long trips in a car. For example, someone looks out the window and randomly chooses an object. Everyone in the car then tries to imagine a new way to make money with it. Street signs become places to advertise, trees are sold with names, and a truck becomes a traveling grocery store.

The "change of perspective" technique can be used as a problem-solving game. Pick any topic, and see who can come up with the most unique new perspective. Could there be a world where jobs weren't necessary? How would a virus define morality if it was conscious?

Another creative game for a group uses a specific technique, called "concept combination." Simply combine random concepts or things in interesting ways, and see who has the best idea. A chair and a microwave? Maybe an easy-chair with a built-in cooler, microwave and television, or microwavable "couch potatoes" - a potato snack in the shape of a couch.

More Mind Games

Some lateral-thinking puzzles use a scenario, real or imagined, with a selection of things you have to use to accomplish something. Imagine a ping-pong ball in an iron pipe that's set in cement. The pipe sticks up two-feet high, and has almost the same diameter as the ball. With only a box of frosted-flakes, and a t-shirt, how many ways can you find to get the ball out of the pipe? You could also set this up for real, to know if a proposed solution will really work.

Riddles are just mind games or lateral-thinking puzzles. You move laterally in your mind, away from your usual line of thought, to solve a riddle. What did his friends do when the canibal was late for dinner? Gave him the cold shoulder. Keeping your brain in shape doesn't have to be a matter of serious study, does it?
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Cara Daftar Domain Gratis dari

Posting ini untuk temen-temen yang pengin domain gratisan untuk wesite/blog gratisan juga tanpa banner/iklan, mudah registrasinya, domain selamanya tanpa membayar di tahun berikutnya (kalo ga salah), yang pasti gratis...tis... Tidak butuh refferal juga.
Ekstension domain yang ditawarkan berupa;,,, dan lainnya.

¤ Domain sendiri (s)
¤ Full DNS Management
¤ 300MB Webspace
¤ Unlimited Traffic
¤ Access Statistics
¤ Access Protect
¤ E-Mail @ Your-Domain
¤ Freemail Service
¤ FTP Login
¤ ... and much more!

Ayo simak tutorial registrasi berikut ini. ( kebetulan ane juga nih)
Langsung saja menuju ke

1. Masukan nama domain yang anda inginkan, lalu pilih extensi nya. Klik tombol ( Check! ). Jika tersedia kamu langsung klik tombol ( Register now! It's free ). Namun jika tidak tersedia, silahkan cari nama domain lainnya, atau extensi lain dengan nama domain yang sama.

2. Masukan alamat email kamu, password yang kamu inginkan, jangan lupa centang TOS nya. Sebelum klik tombol SUBMIT, kamu diminta untuk menyelesaikan Safety Test. Ikuti petunjuknya. Kalau sudah selesai lalu klik SUBMIT.

3. Selesai sudah... Kamu tinggal cek inbox email kamu untuk aktifasi akun tersebut.

Sekian dulu posting ini, selanjutnya saya akan buat posting tentang domain dari dipakai di blogspot, cara setting DNS management, dll. Mohon maaf bila tutorialnya tidak jelas. Maklum...newbee bnget. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat buat temen yang pengin blog/web gratisan.

Saya tunggu komennya ya...
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Creative Imagination

Creative imagination is more than just active imagination. To be able to actively imagine things, to see and hear things in one's mind, is an important ability. It doesn't have to involve much creativity, though, does it? Daydreaming, for example, is a process of imagination. It can consist of an elaborate fantasy world, but one full of all the things that many people think about.

Creative imagination, then, has to include the ability not just to imagine things, but to imagine original things. It is seeing things that others don't see, and coming up with new ideas. So how do you cultivate this?

Creative Imagination 101

First, exercise your basic imagination. It can be as simple as thinking in pictures more, or listening to music in your mind. Play little "movies" in your mind, until you can watch them on command. This is a simple process, but for those of us that can't easily do it naturally, it can take a lot of practice. Fortunately, it is not an unpleasant activity.

The second part of developing your creative imagination is to get more creative in your thinking and imagining. Start by paying attention to your creativity. Our subconscious minds give us more of what we pay attention to. Ignore creative aspects of your life, and you're telling your subconscious they are unimportant. On the other hand, if you note when you're creative, your subconscious mind will start feeding you more creative ideas.

Different surroundings can also encourage your creativity. Want more creativity in your love life? Hike up a mountain with your partner. Do you write? Try sitting on a roof to write. Want new ideas for your business? Take a notebook to the park and sit by the duck pond. A change of environment can get your thinking out of it's ruts.

You can play games that exercise your creative imagination. One such game uses a technique called "concept combination." Alone or with other players, you combine random concepts or things in new ways, to see who has the best idea. A thermometer and a billboard, for example, could generate an idea for a sign that checks the weather and adjusts the message accordingly ("Come in out of the heat for a cold beverage," or "Come in out of the rain and warm up with our gourmet coffee.").

Don't Wait For Creative Imagination

Creative inspiration certainly can strike at any time, but it strikes more often when there is work instead of waiting. So if you want to come up with creative inventions, start mentally redesigning everything you see. Imagine a better bicycle, a faster mail service, or a better chair. Continue this for three weeks, and it will become a habit.

Of course, creative imagination goes beyond solving specific problems or inventing things. Truly creative minds are always coming up with the questions too, not just the solutions. If you want to be more creative all the time, focus on three things:

1. Changing your perspective. A child might think that working just to not work (to retire) is silly. Thinking from that perspective might give you ideas for how to make money doing things you enjoy. Seeing the world as a bear sees it might give a painter imaginative new ideas. Looking at things from a customer's perspective is a sure way to find creative improvements for a business. See everything from several perspectives.

2. Challenging your assumptions. What if restaurants didn't have employees? Visitors pay a machine as they enter, feed themselves at a buffet, and everything is as automated as possible, so one owner-operator could run a large restaurant alone. Challenge all your assumptions for practice. Do you really have to pay rent? Do swimming pools need water? Can exercise be a bad thing?

3. Let your ideas run wild. Does a flying bed seem silly? It could lead to the concept of a helium mattress. When you get off it in the morning, it floats out of the way, up to the ceiling. Perfect for small apartments. Don't stifle your creativity. Relax, and let ideas come. You can always discard them later.

For these techniques to be a habitual part of your thinking, use them regularly. Since it takes several weeks to develop a habit, remind yourself to use them each day. Jot a few of your favorite techniques on a card and carry it with you. Look it over throughout the day and apply the techniques to anything. Soon, you'll have a more creative imagination.
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How to pick the Dream Tattoo Design That You Want


A recent survey tells us that 24% of Americans between the ages of 18-50 are tattooed. This is almost 1 in 4. The most popular reason people get tattooed is "To broadcast what they are all about."

Keeping this in mind, many people end up regretting the tattoo that is inked on their body. Most of the time, these people did not take the time to really think about why they choose a particular tattoo and look at other tattoo designs that are available. This is why picking out the right tattoo design from the start is important. Being impulsive has disaster written all over it.

The removal of offending tattoos is painful and expensive. Learn this lesson now or pay for it later. That is all I am going to say about this!

Here are some suggestions how to get started finding your dream tattoo design:

· Don't shop around for the cheapest studio or artist. Do shop around for the best artist within your driving range. · Why do you want a tattoo? Remember, lovers come and go. Rosie isn't going to like "Kim" emblazoned on your chest.
· A lot of people have tattoos to remember someone who passed away. You can choose a symbol or design that has meaning to them.
· You may have some idea what image is special to you. But don't worry, most people are visual and there are many tattoo design resources to browse to find the tattoo design that you really like.
· Go to your local bookstore and find the tattoo books, design books, theme books and magazines.
· Your local tattoo artist will have a portfolio of tattoo designs to leaf though.
· Check out the web. There are sites that have 1000's of designs to choose from for a small fee. You can print them out and give it to your Tattoo artist.
· Choose the color. · Relax. Think about it a little. Toss it around in your brain for a few days. Be patient.
· Word of caution … Tattoos can direct a negative perception of you during job interviews. So the placement of the tattoo on your body is a good idea.

Good luck getting the dream tattoo design that you want. They say ink acquisition is a way to express yourself to others, but I would also add that getting good body art is going to make you special and unique!
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Motivational Art in the Office

In today's business environment, motivational art has quickly become the darling of entrepreneurs. Why? Simply because it works! In short, motivational art posters/prints are photographs or drawings that carry an inspirational message that corroborates the picture. Therefore, they make the perfect office wall décor. Not only do they add some esthetics to the room but surrounding yourself with motivational art will help inspire you and boost productivity.

Here are 5 power tips when buying inspirational posters online:

(1) It does not matter having more than 1 inspirational print in your room. You can have as many as you want, as long as you don't end up cluttering your wall.

(2) Every motivational artwork will deeply influence your mood. Therefore, try to find a print that not only serves as a good office décor, but also as a therapy during hard times. For example, if you procrastinate a lot, find an artwork with a compelling statement about procrastination. This will motivate you to stop procrastinating and finally get the job done.

(3) Never ever try to decorate your wall with bare posters. They look cheap and sweetly degrade your whole office décor. Remember that motivational art is nothing short of art! Always either laminate your artwork or frame it for a better coup-d'oeil. It is also good to mention that you should only buy from companies that have an in-house framing and laminating service.

(4) Place your artwork in a strategic position where you will often come to have eye contact with it. Do not place it in your back unless you have a good reason for doing it, as in if you receive people in your office and want them to peep at it while talking to you. (…) This helps create a friendly atmosphere and puts people at ease. You might also want to place a few in your waiting room if you have one.

(5) As far as possible, purchase "art prints" instead of "posters". Motivational art prints are printed on a higher paper grade and does not degrade easily in time. Posters are, well, just the contrary.

As simple as it might seem, the right inspiring words can make a real difference to the right person. Whatever is your objective in business or real-life, motivation is a key factor to success and having a motivational print on your wall is the first step to success.
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7 Keys To Your Creative Genius

Here are 7 ways you can instantly access your natural creativity and create anything you like.

1. Think Like A Child. As adults we tend to think in a conditioned way aimed at showing how clever we are. Yet, as children, we were simply spontaneous and far more creative in our thinking. To re-capture your childhood curiosity, allow yourself to just wonder at things, to be completely present in the here and now, and to detach yourself from what you thought was real.

2. Make New Connections. To be innovative doesn't require a university degree; it simply requires making a connection between existing ideas. For instance, did you know that ice cream was invented in 2000 BC yet it took another 3900 years for someone to come up with the idea of a cone? It's when you take two seemingly unrelated items and use the spark of creativity that genius happens.

3. Be A Little Illogical. It is a peculiarly Western trait to want to tie things up in neat bundles. We prefer solutions to problems, and answers to questions. To be creative, you need to be comfortable with things that don't fit. The Eastern tradition is more in tune with incongruence. As in this Zen koan, or problem: what is the sound of one hand clapping?

4. Laugh More. Tom Peters says that the creativity of a workplace can be measured by a laughometer, ie how much it laughs. Humour is one of the greatest creative devices. It jolts us out of our normal patterns and puts ideas together that shouldn't go together. It has been found that after listening to comedy tapes, students' ability to solve problems rises by 60%.

5. Think Outside Your Limits. Many of the products we take for granted today are the result of people thinking outside their limits. John Lynn recalls attending a computer conference in the 1980's at a hotel when someone joked that the next thing they'd be thinking of would be computerised doors. When he went back to the same hotel 20 years later, all the doors used computer-programmed key cards.

6. Adopt and Adapt. To be creative doesn't require blue-sky thinking. You can still be creative by adapting what works elsewhere. An American airline that wanted quicker turnarounds on their flights adopted the techniques of Formula One pit crews. Another source of ideas is nature. Georges de Mestral adapted the way certain seeds stick to clothing and invented Velcro.

7. Remember Your Dreams. Dreaming and day-dreaming can create a rich seam of ideas, because that's when we relax and let the subconscious mind work by itself. The Roffey Park Management Institute calls this "washing-up creativity" because most flashes of inspiration come when we are walking the dog, sitting Archimedes-like in the bath, or doing the washing up.

Apply these 7 creative thinking techniques and make them part of your daily thinking and I guarantee that new solutions to your problems will open up to you with ease and speed.
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Solve Problems With A Word List

To creatively solve problems you need to get your mind looking in new directions. You can systematically do this by using a list of words, primarily adjectives, to create "what if?" scenarios. You start with the question, "what if it was..." and then insert a word from the list. The "it" in the question is the problem you're trying to solve, or the solution or situation that exists now.

Using "What If" To Solve Problems

An example will help explain the process. Assume your house is too crowded because you're running your business from it. You ask, "What if it was..." and insert from the word list, "smaller." The house is already too small, but could the business be smaller? The word "divided" might give you the idea to keep the business in just one part of the house.

Most words on the list won't help, so you can go through the irrelevant ones quickly. Don't automatically dismiss them, though, without a few seconds consideration. "What if it was hopeless?" may seem like a useless question, or it may make you realize that you just can't keep the business in the house any longer.

As with most problem-solving techniques, it's important to allow ideas to flow without judging them initially. Don't stifle the creative process. Evaluate your ideas later, when you're done with this part.

The Problem Solving Word List

You can create your own list of words. Use adjectives, descriptive phrases, and words that can change your perspective. These could include the following:

What if it was... larger, smaller, farther away, closer, sooner, later, easier, more difficult, higher, fat, rich, short, black, certain, hopeless, newer, boring, casual, subtracted from, cheaper, common, divided, more interesting, extravagant, subtle, or fun?
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Sebuah Solusi Terpadu Conferencing

Bertahun-tahun menjalankan pesan suara dan surat elektronik, kita telah kehilangan pandangan bahwa komunikasi penting terjadi selama waktu nyata dan tidak berbeda waktu. Meskipun, kita semua memiliki kesempatan untuk bereksperimen dengan teknologi komunikasi langsung seperti: audio-konferensi, konferensi video dan konferensi WEB.

Masing-masing teknologi menyajikan keuntungan disertai dengan kekurangan mereka. Audioconferencing mengangkut banyak suara sementara meninggalkan kita dalam kegelapan. Videoconferencing memberi kita warna tetapi tidak berguna untuk kolaborasi sekitar presentasi atau dokumen. Untuk sebagian besar,
WEB-konferensi ini dirancang untuk berkolaborasi dengan berbagi layar dan kadang-kadang memberi kesan berbicara ke ruang angkasa.

Hari ini, konferensi terpadu mengintegrasikan audio, video dan WEBconference ke satu antarmuka untuk PC. Ini bereplikasi dalam domain konferensi apa yang bersatu pesan telah menyadari sementara mengintegrasikan pesan vokal dengan email. Meskipun, itu adalah berbagi layar yang mengubah segalanya membuat peserta dalam, aktor WEBconference dan bukan hanya penonton. Yang merupakan katalis yang paling penting dari kolaborasi dan sinergi sumber dalam organisasi.

Tele-efisiensi juga rilis, Accessware, bi-directional layar berbagi remote add-on untuk Conferenceware, solusi conferencing terpadu tersebut. Selama WEBconference dengan Accessware, presenter dapat menampilkan layar peserta untuk semua. Terbalik, dia bisa memberikan kontrol layar ke peserta lain, yang kemudian menjadi co-presenter.
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5 Keys For Sustaining Motivation To Exercise

It would appear that many an eager beginning exerciser looses interest and stops an exercise plan within a month. In order to keep this phenomenon from happening to you, follow these five steps.

If you have been exercising for some time and find yourself bored and dreading your next work out, consider a change of environment. If you have been exercising in your basement, you may benefit tremendously from joining a gym where you can interact with other people and use different equipment.

Don't worry about not using your home equipment. It may be that once you have exercised at a gym for awhile, you'll be ready for another change and want to resume exercising at home.

If you are currently using a gym and find yourself not wanting to go in, it may be time to look at exercising at home. There is something to be said for finding the quiet and solitude exercising can bring when you're not in the middle of a crowded, noisy gym.

A second key for increasing motivation to exercise is in finding a way to listen to music that motivates you. For me personally, I use hip- hop, R & B, and rap. If you saw me in my SUV with kids in tow, you may not believe me. Just ask my husband; he's the one who programs all my music into the MP-3 player he got me for Valentine's Day off of ebay.

A third important key is to take a look at the clothing you wear when you exercise. Have you run more than 200 miles in a pair of shoes? If so, it's definitely time for a new pair. Also, make sure that what you wear to exercise is comfortable and non-restrictive.

In addition to the function of work-out clothing, appearance is important. If you have a great new pair of work-out pants, you may be more motivated to get up in the morning and go to the gym. If you're wearing the same T-shirt you've worn for twenty years, it may be time for a little shopping trip.

The shopping trip doesn't have to be expensive. A friend of mine buys her work-out gear at Goodwill. She always looks fabulous.

A fourth key is to keep focusing on the goals you have set for yourself. If you've reached your goals, it's time to set some new ones. Be sure to keep your goals realistic and measurable to prevent discouragement.

A fifth and final key to maintain or increase motivation to exercise is charting progress. Once you have an attainable goal, how will you know when you have moved one step closer? If you chart your progress, you will clearly see where you are and where you hope to go.

There are as many ways to work out as there are people who work out. Everyone's routine is different and tailored to them. However, if you remember to incorporate these five keys into your work out, you will experience success and be motivated to continue your program.
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How To Build Trust At Work.

You may be a skillful, effective employer but if you don't trust your personnel and the opposite, then the chances of improving and expanding the business you deal with, are extremely limited.

It's not critical for the employees to like the boss, but they have to trust him or her. If not, he won't be able to lead them and the workers will have little motivation at work.

Truth and trust are connected together. You could be honest for years but one lie can destroy the trust you have built all this time and there is no doubt that regaining that trust is very difficult.

You have to be honest. Do not say "I don't know" when you know. Be straight and say exactly what you have in mind. When you say "No" mean it. We have to realize that the work place is not a popularity contest . Tasks need to be completed and work's goals should be accomplished with success.

Therefore, trying to be pleasant all the time will build obstacles to your job and disorientate you from your real goals at work.

Open your ears and accept criticism from employees or colleagues. It's hard for every person to accept comments – especially negative – but in order to lead you will have to. Always listen to other ideas, suggestions and encourage open discussions. That doesn't mean, in case you are the manager that you don't decide according to your facts.

Demonstrate the trust. Just saying "I trust you" is not enough. You have to show it by assigning responsibilities and providing all the tools they need in order to succeed in the tasks you assign to them. When we say tools we mean training, information e.t.c.

Recognize the well done job. People need to be appreciated especially at work. When an employee is productive, and finishes the assignment successfully show your appreciation directly. People need the approval to be in public and the negative comments in private. It's in human nature, we can't change it, and so it is important to follow that rule.

Recent research analyzes that workers do not care only about the money. They want to be educated at work, to take initiatives and also play a part in resolving problems that occur.

To sum it up, you have to do what you preach, and be clear with your actions. When you say "No" or "Yes" mean them, and of course you have to give the example. If you enforce a rule at your company but you are the only one who breaks it, don't expect the rule to last for long. Especially the trust will vanish, and leading your team will become extremely difficult task.
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Charlie's Angels review

Jauh sebelum Magnum, PI Tom Selleck menempatkan di peta, Malaikat Charlie dimiliki dunia mata televisi swasta. Dinominasikan untuk Emmy dan 7 4 Golden Globes, termasuk 2 untuk Seri TV Terbaik - Drama, Charlie Angels adalah sensasi semalam benar-benar langka. Cikal bakal modern menunjukkan seperti La Femme Nikita dan Alias, pencipta Ivan Goff dan Ben Roberts capped off karir yang panjang sebagai penulis showbiz dengan menuliskan kisah yang tak terlupakan dari tiga penyelidik swasta seksi dan lincah. Eksekutif produser Aaron Spelling (terkait untuk memukul tak terhitung acara seperti Beverly, Hills 90210, The Love Boat, Melrose Place, Dinasti, 7th Heaven, dan Charmed antara lain) memainkan peran penting dalam ledakan budaya pop dari seri ini yang menyaksikan massa langsung pemasaran perdagangan kartu Charlie Angels, poster, lunchboxes, dan memorabilia lain tak berujung - termasuk film full- length dari nama yang sama dua dekade kemudian (2000). Melalui durasi seri (lima musim), para pemain terus berubah sebagai Charlie Angels menjadi media bintang di kanan mereka sendiri dan kiri untuk mengejar berbagai peluang dalam pemodelan, film, dan TV.

Charlie Angels pusat sekitar sekelompok perempuan cantik mantan polisi direkrut untuk bekerja untuk Badan Detektif Charles Townsend. Sebuah multi jutawan misterius dengan cara yang tak terbatas, Charles Townsend berkomunikasi dengan anak-anaknya melalui speaker telepon dan melalui bantuan asisten pribadinya, John Bosley (David Doyle). Charlie mengirimkan gadis-gadis di berbagai misi penyamaran dan tugas berbahaya di mana mereka menangkap penjahat dan mengejar keadilan dengan sepenuh hati. Para malaikat asli Sabrina Duncan (Kate Jackson) yang memainkan peran malaikat "cerdas", Kelly Garrett (Jaclyn Smith) yang memainkan bagian dari malaikat "jalan-pintar", dan Jill Munroe (Farrah Fawcett) yang memainkan peran malaikat "atletik". Bersama-sama, mereka melepaskan bakat kolektif mereka di dunia kriminal, menempatkan hidup mereka sendiri pada risiko dalam proses ... Sebagai acara berlangsung, Jill Munroe kiri sebagai reguler pada seri dan digantikan oleh adiknya, Kris (Cheryl Ladd). Tahun berikutnya, Sabrina meninggalkan badan untuk cenderung keluarganya dan digantikan oleh Tiffany (Shelley Hack) dan kemudian oleh Julie (Tanya Roberts).

Charlie Angels DVD fitur sejumlah tindakan-dikemas episode termasuk seri perdana "Hellride" di mana penonton pertama belajar Badan Charles Townsend misterius Detektif dan perempuan-perempuan cantik yang mayoritas terdiri dari agen-agennya. Ketika seorang pengemudi mobil balap perempuan menderita kematian yang dipertanyakan, Charlie mengirim gadis-gadis keluar untuk mengungkap kebenaran. Untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang dilakukan, Sabrina bertindak sebagai sopir mobil balap, dan gadis-gadis menemukan adanya konspirasi pembunuhan ... episode terkenal lainnya dari Season 1 termasuk "Bullseye" di mana para malaikat mengungkap obat-cincin yang dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh dua militer yang korup pejabat, dan "The Connection Vegas" di mana para malaikat dan Bosley perjalanan ke Las Vegas dalam rangka untuk menangkap penipu menyimpang.

Berikut adalah daftar episode disertakan pada Charlie Angels (Season 1) DVD:

Episode 1 (Hellride) Air Date: 09-22-1976
Episode 2 (The Mexican Connection) Air Date: 09-29-1976
Episode 3 (Night of the Strangler) Air Date: 10-13-1976
Episode 4 (Angels in Chains) Air Date: 10-20-1976
Episode 5 (Target: Angels) Air Date: 10-27-1976
Episode 6 (The Killing Kind) Air Date: 11-03-1976 Episode 7 (To Kill an Angel) Air Date: 11-10-1976
Episode 8 (Lady Killer) Air Date: 11-24-1976
Episode 9 (Bullseye) Air Date: 12-01-1976
Episode 10 (Consenting Adults) Air Date: 12-08-1976
Episode 11 (The Seance) Air Date: 12-15-1976
Episode 12 (Angels on Wheels) Air Date: 12-22-1976 Episode 13 (Angel Trap) Air Date: 01-05-1977
Episode 14 (The Big Tap Out) Air Date: 01-12-1977
Episode 15 (Angels on a String) Air Date: 01-19-1977
Episode 16 (Dirty Business) Air Date: 02-02-1977
Episode 17 (The Vegas Connection) Air Date: 02-09-1977
Episode 18 (Terror on Ward One) Air Date: 02-16-1977 Episode 19 (Dancing in the Dark) Air Date: 02-23-1977
Episode 20 (I Will Be Remembered) Air Date: 03-09-1977
Episode 21 (Angels at Sea) Air Date: 03-23-1977
Episode 22 (The Blue Angels) Air Date: 05-04-1977
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Situs Otomatis PHP dan MySQL

Anda telah memutuskan untuk mengotomatisasi situs web Anda. Sekarang apa? Berikut adalah beberapa ide untuk membantu Anda memilih cara untuk mengotomatisasi situs Anda.

Sedikit pemrograman akan menjadi diperlukan jika Anda ingin untuk mengotomatisasi situs. Ada banyak jenis program yang dapat digunakan untuk mengotomatisasi situs web termasuk JavaScript, PHP, Perl, ASP, Java dan banyak lagi. Jadi, yang Anda gunakan? Bagi banyak orang, itu adalah pilihan pribadi.

Saya lebih suka PHP untuk pemrograman. PHP adalah bahasa pemrograman sangat berguna karena memungkinkan untuk pemrograman canggih dan mudah untuk mengintegrasikan dengan halaman web. Kelebihan lainnya dari PHP adalah bahwa bahasa antarmuka sangat baik dengan MySQL, jenis yang populer dari database online.

Namun lain ditambah dari PHP adalah bahwa Open Source Code. Kode aktual yang PHP tersedia untuk umum secara gratis, sedangkan kode sumber untuk produk seperti ASP tidak. Karena PHP adalah open source, ada komunitas besar programmer PHP yang saling membantu dengan kode. Ini berarti programmer PHP dapat mengandalkan satu sama lain dengan menggunakan potongan dapat digunakan kembali kode yang disebut fungsi dan kelas daripada terus reinventing the wheel. Hal ini secara dramatis dapat mengurangi waktu produksi.

Secara keseluruhan, PHP fleksibel, lebih murah dari banyak alternatif, dan dibangun di sekitar komunitas. PHP dan MySQL adalah pilihan yang sangat baik untuk webmaster mencari untuk mengotomatisasi situs web mereka.

Apa yang Bisa PHP dan MySQL untuk saya? Apa saja yang dapat Anda pikirkan. Itulah keindahan pemrograman kustom. Beberapa ide dari apa yang dapat Anda lakukan dengan situs PHP dan MySQL didorong meliputi:

1. E-commerce
2. Polling Pengguna
3. Pelacakan kata kunci
4. Set Preferensi Pengguna
5. Mengelola Password Protected of the Members Area
6. Lead Follow-Up
7. Hubungan Pelanggan
8. Manajemen Konten
9. Email Newsletters
10. Akuntansi
11. Faktur
12. Jadwal Pembaruan

Daftar ini hanya dibatasi oleh imajinasi Anda. Sekali Anda telah memutuskan untuk pergi dengan situs PHP dan MySQL, Anda dapat mendapatkan program kustom dibuat, menggunakan versi dikemas atau kombinasi keduanya. Banyak program PHP dan MySQL yang datang dikemas mudah untuk menyesuaikan dan dapat menghemat banyak waktu dan uang daripada memulai dari bawah ke atas.
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Evolusi dari Electric Guitar

Referensi untuk gitar yang lebih atau kurang dalam bentuk modern tanggal kembali ke abad ke-14. Dalam masa pertumbuhan itu memiliki empat program string ganda dan tubuh bulat seperti labu atau labu. Induknya tidak akan mengenali hari ini!

Sekitar abad keenam belas gitar adalah instrumen musik populer di antara kelas menengah dan bawah dari Eropa, dan karena peningkatan popularitas itu mulai mengalami perubahan bentuk. Luthiers mulai membuat instrumen dengan senar tunggal bukan kursus dan bereksperimen dengan bentuk sampai, dengan abad ke-19, tubuh gitar dibuat lebih luas, dan diratakan. Pada abad kedua puluh pasak tala kayu yang disesuaikan ketegangan dari string digantikan oleh kepala mesin logam. Sekarang kita memiliki bentuk yang gitar listrik modern.

Gitar listrik pertama dibuat pada tahun 1930 dalam menanggapi permintaan dari gitaris di band yang berirama stylings tidak bisa didengar di atas instrumen lainnya. Masalah utama dengan gitar listrik adalah bahwa umpan balik datang melalui amplifier dari getaran tubuh gitar. Tantangan ini mulai proses evolusi tubuh padat gitar listrik.

Gitar listrik memiliki lubang suara awal dalam tubuh yang lebih kecil dari lubang suara gitar konvensional. Pada tahun 1924 Lloyd Loar, seorang insinyur dengan pabrik Gibson, digunakan magnet untuk mengubah getaran senar gitar menjadi sinyal listrik, yang dapat diperkuat melalui pembicara. Sekarang mungkin untuk membangun gitar yang tidak memiliki lubang suara tapi bisa terdengar jelas melalui amplifier. Pemain gitar amatir mampu untuk mendapatkan tangan mereka
pada gitar listrik melalui upaya Paulus Barth, George Beauchamp dan Adolph Rickenbacker yang mendirikan Perusahaan Electro String pada tahun 1931. Mirip gitar gitar mereka baja, dan bermain di pangkuan gitaris menggunakan slide.

Gitar listrik modern terbuat dari lapisan tipis kayu banyak direkatkan. Lapisan atas sering kayu lebih menarik untuk memberikan gitar penampilan menyenangkan, dan lapisan lainnya dari kayu yang memberikan nada baik seperti poplar atau abu. Penggunaan alat laminasi endows dengan tubuh yang kuat dan kualitas tonal yang tidak mungkin dalam satu potong kayu. Gitar tubuh asli padat Namun, terbuat dari satu potong kayu. Pada tahun 1941 Les Paul berbalik tidur kereta api menjadi sebuah alat musik gesek diperkuat. Dia menyebutnya "Log". Ketika produksi instrumen itu mulai dia tinggal dengan bentuk gitar konvensional untuk memberikan pasarnya gambar untuk berhubungan dengan akrab. Penemuan Les Paul dipasarkan sebagai Gibson Les Paul masih sangat populer.

Pada tahun 1940, para Broadcaster Fender gitar listrik datang ke dunia. Tidak ada yang benar-benar melihat sampai Arthur Smith digunakan untuk merekam Broadcaster "Boogie Gitar" pada tahun 1949. Setelah berganti nama Telecaster, itu diletakkan di pasar pada tahun 1950. Model lain Fender, Stratocaster tersebut, menarik perhatian gitaris 'dengan nada yang khas dan ringan. Itu masih gitar yang paling populer kedua di dunia.

Ibanez, Jackson, Paul Reed Smith, ESP dan Yamaha telah membuat tubuh padat gitar listrik dengan desain aslinya, bentuk khas dan bahan- bahan baru dicampur dengan teknologi modern untuk memproduksi gitar listrik yang lebih efisien dan serbaguna. Gitar listrik hari ini menghasilkan nada bervariasi antara musik futuristik atau semi-akustik suara.

Pada tahun 1960, efek kotak diperkenalkan bulu halus, delay, echo dan suara wah-wah ke gudang suara yang tersedia untuk gitaris modern. Sebuah pedal yang dioperasikan oleh kaki pemain gitar mengubah efek atau menonaktifkan. Sekarang gitar berisi perangkat lunak yang memungkinkan suara gitar seperti jenis gitar atau mereproduksi suara instrumen musik lainnya. Dengan perkembangan seperti self-tuning gitar terbaru, mungkin lelucon lama tentang seorang gitaris "menelepon di" solo akan menjadi kenyataan!
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